Posting to the Official Blog of the National Taxpayers Union
Robert L Nathan said on Apr 01 2005 at 3:10pm
Dear Mr Liberal Virgenian.
Dude, I don’t understand your logic. How do you figure that Dude A spends 75% of his income on consumer goods @ $20K of income and Dude B spends 60% @ $100K of income? I personally have an income close to Dude B, and I can tell you that what I spend on consumer goods is less than what Dude A spends, primarily because I invest every dime that I can get my hands on in hopes that I can escape the trap of being a corporate slave some day.
I also figure that my investments create other jobs, which is good for everybody. If the workers that are employed through my investments follow the same suit that I do, more and more jobs can be created.
If you want to really get regressive, tax the wealthy to the point where they leave the country. I’ve got to tell you, Costa Rica starts to look awfully good when you start paying 30 cents of every dollar to support the Federal Bureaucracy. As wealth leaves the country, so do jobs. And with fewer jobs, than who is left to pay the taxes? I can assure you that your representatives in Washington are not going to cut their highbrow noses off to spite their faces on this issue, liberal or conservative.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the reason that our labor markets at home can’t compete globally is because the tax burden that employers pay on labor is so high? In spite of the high productivity of the American workers, we cannot overcome weight of wagon that Uncle Sam has loaded for us.
The solution is a hybrid of the consumption tax, known as the Fairtax. Under this proposal the so-called regressively of the consumption tax is nullified by rebating the tax up to the poverty level (factoring in the number of dependents). FICA tax, which is the most regressive of all taxes as far as the poor and lower income people are concerned, goes away.
I recommend that you go to the site for more information. I'm sure that if you take a serious look at it, you will come around. It's truly a non-partisan proposal, being embraced by liberals and conservatives alike.
Best Regards
Robert Nathan
La Jolla, California