The cynical view of Rush Limbaugh on the FairTax
Dear FairTaxers,
Sadly, Rush may be right on this one.
As with entitlements, the politicians use the tax system to extort your vote. And, as with entitlements, we may be to a point of no return. That is to say that there may be more voters who are benefiting (or who are not affected) from the current tax system than there are those that are paying into it.
The FairTax will make these same people pay their share. So why would they support something that is going to take money out of their pocket that wasn’t taken out before?
The vision of democracy that our founding fathers had has somehow gotten turned inside out in the last 100 years. From my point of view, this is largely due to the Federal tax systems (Income, FICA, and Medicare). The unprecedented expansion of the Federal government during this period has occurred principally because of the ability to levy more taxes than ever before, and thus controlling the political and economic focus of the it’s constituents (we, the people) through a tangled web of tax incentives and entitlements. There is something fundamentally wrong with this concept. The federal government should be a puppet of the people, not the other way around.
And don’t think that a government that invented PSYOPS ( ) is beyond using similar tools or methods to sustain the status quo, or to achieve the support of a political objective that may be perceived as favorable to the narcissistic bureaucracy that the system sustains.
The income tax system has created a class war that is bubbling just below the surface of our society. Our representatives have somehow kept it in check without allowing it to erupt into something ugly, like national unrest or riots. For the most part, their constituents are placated or somatized by the infusions of entitlements or tax incentives. And like a drug habit, it will be extremely painful to rid ourselves of these dependencies.
As citizens, it is our duty to maintain a diligence against this type of tyranny. I just hope that it’s no too late. Make no mistake; we have a very tough row to hoe.
Best Regards
Robert Nathan