Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Corraling the middle class

I read the article that came out Saturday about the so called Unlimited Savings Allowance, and in my humble opinion, if it doesn't abolish the IRS or prevent
special interest groups from influencing the tax code, it is just more of the same old hooey that Washington uses to keep the middle class corraled with the burden
of carrying the tax load.

The issue is fairness.

What's fair about a system that allows special interest groups the ability to influence Congress for it's own benefit at the expense of the Middle Class?

What's fair about a system that is so complex and convoluted that a person with a Masters Degree from a renowned Texas University has to hire someone that he
can ill afford, to complete his tax form?

What's fair about a system that places the entire weight and resources of a federal bureaucracy at odds with a sole individual in the face of an audit?

What's fair about a system that affords this federal bureaucracy all kinds of latitude in making mistakes when enforcing the tax code, but none for the taxpayer
when mistakes are made?

What's fair about a system that allows for the IRS to mistaken the identity of a taxpayer, then proceed to ruin his credit, lien his property and steal money
from his bank account, effectively forcing the individual into poverty status, and then with not so much as an apology for this mistake? This happened to me and I’m still suffering the consequences fifteen years later.

If I sound like I’ve made the income tax issue too personal, please excuse me. It IS personal. What could be more personal than taxing personal income and invading the personal privacy of ones finances? What is the most fought over issue among spouses? What is it that allows us to achieve and fulfill basic human needs? And why does the federal government, in the collection of these income taxes, fail so miserably in
recognizing and accommodating the human condition? If this is not a personal issue, then please explain to me why it is not.

The time has come for change, and in my humble opinion, nothing less than the total dissolution of personal income taxes will be acceptable.


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