Findings from the Presidential Tax commisision
Dear FairTaxers
This revelation from the tax commission that they are not willing to change the status quo, while deeply disappointing, should not come as a surprise. As I have inferred before in this forum, the middle class only has the illusion that it is in control of the government. Real power comes from those who are outside of the walls that confine the rest of us.
Poor men, who are enslaved by the income tax system and the circumstances of their life, are too occupied with the unending task of survival to spend any time or effort in supporting an overthrow of that same tax system.
Middleclass and lower middleclass individuals, not only have to deal with the day-to-day problems of survival and promoting the survival and flourishing of their offspring, but are further burdened by compliance with the tax regulations that are impressed upon them by the government that they supposedly employ. To spend time educating themselves on tax reform, and in turn, rallying behind this reform,
is something of a luxury.
This is the way the "Lords" would have it. If their constituents are over worked but well fed, they will have little time or inclination to look past the walls of their enslavement and see the big picture.
While all the while, these same "Lords" have the luxury to employ lawyers, accountants, academics and lobbyists, and to buy off our elected officials, all in order to maintain the economic and social wall around us, the middleclass taxpayer. These efforts shed the "Lords" from the cost burden of supporting the same social and
economic agendas that they themselves have authored, designed, and implemented (via their political influence), for the rest of us. Through propaganda that they promote in the news media, and though spin on advertising for the goods that we are sold, we are driven to a corner of somatic complacency.
Our freedom seems to have become somewhat of an illusion. I am currently doing some deep soul searching, asking myself what I am willing to sacrifice in aiding an end to this enslavement for ourselves and future generations.
Robert Nathan
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